In the latest installment of “The Collection,” we dive into Episode 33, focusing on Bon Jovi’s vinyl records from the 2000s. This episode is a fitting conclusion to our exploration of Bon Jovi, following last week’s discussion that encompassed their iconic era in the 80s and 90s.
Tonight, we journey through my personal collection, highlighting the studio albums, compilations, and even a few unique 10-inch picture discs that capture the essence of Bon Jovi’s work from 2000 to 2024. We’ll discuss everything from the album “Crush” to the latest release, “Forever,” set to drop in 2024. While this may not represent the entirety of Bon Jovi’s discography from the 2000s, it showcases every piece in my collection and gives a glimpse into their evolution over the years.
Join us for this live session, kicking off right now on September 9, 2024, at 8 PM. Your support means the world to us, so if you enjoy what you see, please hit the “Like” button and subscribe to keep up with our latest updates.
We can’t wait for you to check it out. This show promises to be a treasure trove for Bon Jovi fans, filled with nostalgia and a celebration of their lasting legacy in rock music. See you there!