In a tragic turn of events, a number of beloved Los Angeles eateries and landmarks have been lost to devastating wildfires that have swept through areas including the Pacific Palisades, Pasadena, Altadena, and the Hollywood Hills. The Palisades Fire, igniting on the morning of January 7, along with the Eaton Fire and the Sunset Fire, has prompted the evacuation of nearly 180,000 residents and left a trail of destruction in its wake.
Among the casualties is Moonshadows, the iconic Malibu seafood restaurant, which has officially been marked as permanently closed following the fire that devastated its location along the Pacific Coast Highway. Heartbroken patrons have taken to social media to share cherished memories of their time spent at this waterfront dining spot, which was engulfed in flames as of January 8.
Also erased from the culinary map is Rosenthal Wine Bar & Patio, another favorite located along the Pacific Coast Highway. Journalist Arash Markazi shared heart-wrenching images capturing the site’s transformation from a vibrant gathering place to a charred remains. The wine bar’s staff expressed profound gratitude to the community for their unwavering support during this horrifying ordeal.
The luxurious Palisades Village, a tailor-made shopping destination on Sunset Boulevard, was also not spared. Developed by billionaire Rick Caruso, the plaza housed well-known retailers such as Lululemon, Sephora, and Chanel Fragrance and Beauty Boutique, alongside popular dining establishments like Blue Ribbon Sushi and Alfred’s. All were engulfed by the blaze.
The historic Topanga Ranch Motel, an establishment built in 1929 by William Randolph Hearst and once a retreat for families and writers alike, is now a pile of ashes, with only its iconic parking lot sign remaining intact. The damage is a painful reminder of the area’s rich history, now lost.
The estate of the late actor Will Rogers, known as the Will Rogers Ranch, was another casualty of the flames. The Will Rogers Ranch Foundation released stark before-and-after photos showing the ruins of a property that once welcomed countless visitors. Jennifer Rogers, a family representative, expressed sorrow over the loss while emphasizing the greater loss experienced by local businesses and families in the community.
Cholada Thai, a colorful beachside restaurant that had operated for decades, has also met its demise, now listed as permanently closed. Owner Sawai Theprian had previously described owning the restaurant as a dream, expressing pride in its Malibu location.
Meanwhile, the owners of Reel Inn Malibu, after losing their cherished restaurant, have announced plans to rebuild. A heartfelt GoFundMe campaign has been launched to aid in their restoration efforts, indicating the community’s willingness to rally together in the face of adversity.
As Los Angeles copes with the aftermath of this disaster, the stories of loss and resilience continue to unfold, reminding us of the human spirit’s capacity to rebuild.