Sofia Richie recently made headlines when she revealed that her 5-month-old daughter, Eloise, already possesses a real phone. In an appearance on Jake Shane’s “Therapuss” podcast, the new mom shared that her daughter communicates with close family and friends, including Shane, who affectionately calls himself her “guncle” or gay uncle.
During the podcast, Shane, who is 25, humorously described a texting “feud” he had with baby Eloise while interviewing Richie. “Eloise has a little baby phone,” he said, to which Richie confirmed with enthusiasm, “She does!” Shane mentioned that he sends the baby daily messages, but typically, Richie responds on Eloise’s behalf. “Whoever is with Eloise gets the phone,” she explained.
The conversation took a comedic turn when Richie’s friend, Ali Meller, took the phone and sent some cheeky messages pretending to be Eloise. Shane recounted one of his texts to the infant, asking for permission to discuss how wonderful she is on the podcast. The reply, purportedly from Eloise, was a sass-filled, “No. Keep my name out of your mouth.” Laughter erupted when Shane asked if Eloise was serious and received a subsequent message reading, “I hate you.”
“Eloise has a little bit of an attitude!” Shane chuckled.
Richie, who is 26, reflected on the changes motherhood has brought to her life, expressing her overflowing love for her daughter. “For me, my life makes sense now,” she shared. “I’ve never loved anything more in my life, and I’m obsessed with her.” She also mentioned that she lost 50 pounds since giving birth.
The fashion icon revealed several adorable nicknames for the little one, such as Bug, Ella Bean, Ella Bug, and Ellie, while her husband, Elliot Grange, 31, affectionately calls their daughter Chuck Chuck. Richie welcomed Eloise on May 20, following a difficult pregnancy that included hospitalization due to preeclampsia shortly after delivery.
Despite her health challenges, Richie felt grateful for a smooth delivery and reassured that both she and Eloise were healthy. In her candid discussions, she opened up about the initial struggles and “mom guilt” she faced during a tough recovery period.
In her words, “I went home, and I blew up like a balloon. Quite literally, just swelled. I felt very ill.” Nevertheless, she described her experience as life-changing and joyous, emphasizing the bond she shares with her precious daughter.