Dr. Paul Nassif, the well-known star of the reality series “Botched,” has joyfully announced the birth of his fifth child, marking a special moment for him and his wife, Brittany Pattakos. The couple welcomed their second child together, a baby boy named Paul Michael Nassif Jr., born on January 10, 2025, at 12:59 a.m. The newborn weighed in at an impressive 9 pounds and 10 ounces.
In an exclusive statement to Page Six, the delighted parents shared their happiness, declaring that both Brittany and Paul Jr. are doing well. They expressed their excitement about embarking on this new chapter as a family, stating, “Our family is complete, and we’re so excited to begin this new chapter together.” The couple also expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love and well wishes they have received during this time.
Dr. Nassif, who is 62, revealed the pregnancy in July 2024 through an enthusiastic post on Instagram, exclaiming, “SURPRISE! We’re having a… BOY!!!!” He added that they were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their son, who was set to join their growing family. Brittany Pattakos, who became a mother for the first time in October 2020 with the birth of their daughter Paulina, now four, is relishing her role as a mom once more.
Brittany and Paul tied the knot in September 2019 in Greece, and she became a stepmother to Dr. Nassif’s three sons—Gavin, 21, and twins Colin and Christian, 18—from his previous marriage to reality star Adrienne Maloof. Despite their split in 2012, Paul maintains a positive relationship with Adrienne, with the two actively co-parenting their sons. He previously stated that they communicate regularly, emphasizing the importance of their children’s well-being and upbringing.
With the arrival of Paul Michael Nassif Jr., this blended family is poised for an exciting future filled with new memories and milestones. The joyous occasion has certainly added to the happiness of Dr. Nassif and Brittany, who continue to share their journey with followers.