In a review for the film Secrets of a Wallaby Boy, we dive into the chaotic world of a low-budget British comedy that aims to blend absurdity with humor. This flick follows the journey of a down-on-his-luck delivery rider whose life takes a wild turn. Despite the potential for a fun romp, the film struggles to rise above a series of crude jokes that often miss the mark.
Brandon McCaffrey takes center stage, portraying Tim, a relatable character who embodies the struggles of being 25, out of shape, and unemployed. With the encouragement of his flatmate Jade, portrayed by Billie Hindle in a refreshingly deadpan manner, Tim finds a job as a bike courier for a service reminiscent of Deliveroo. The initial allure of a promising social life fueled by the job quickly becomes apparent when Tim hears about the perks from other couriers.
On his first day, however, he stumbles into an awkward delivery that sets the tone for what’s to come – a man eager to share his new sex toys invites Tim inside, leading to a cringe-worthy encounter. It’s here that the film lingers on moments that could be described as painfully unfunny. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a couple of humorous lines shine through, notably when Tim delivers to an unexpected location: a party at the residence of a Tory MP, where he quips about an “off-putting smell of Victorian values.”
As the narrative progresses, the absurdity escalates with the revelation that the delivery app has a sinister twist, revealing itself to be an AI with questionable motives. That said, the humor doesn’t mature beyond a juvenile level, making it feel more akin to a children’s program rather than a film for an adult audience.
Secrets of a Wallaby Boy is slated for release on digital platforms starting October 28, offering a unique, if not entirely polished, viewing experience.