Secrets of a Wallaby Boy offers a quirky, low-budget comedy experience that follows a bike delivery rider navigating his daily route. Despite some charming performances, the film ultimately struggles under the weight of its raunchy humor and uninspired writing.
The story revolves around Tim, portrayed by Brandon McCaffrey, a character that many may find relatable—a 25-year-old gay man grappling with unemployment and fitness issues. Encouraged by his flatmate Jade, played by Billie Hindle, Tim takes a job with Wallaby, a delivery app that promises not just work but the promise of wild encounters.
However, what follows is a rather disheartening series of events, especially during a scene where Tim is invited to try out new sex toys, only for the scenario to take a cringe-worthy turn when the homeowner’s spouse unexpectedly arrives. This moment captures the film’s tendency to lean on juvenile humor, with a heavy reliance on crude jokes that often miss the mark.
There are, however, a few clever lines sprinkled throughout, such as Tim’s witty comment upon delivering to a gathering at a gay sex party hosted by a Conservative MP, where he quips about the “off-putting smell of Victorian values.” These flashes of humor are overshadowed by the film’s overall tone, which often feels more aligned with children’s television than a mature adult comedy.
As the narrative progresses, we see an intriguing twist where the Wallaby app reveals itself to be an AI with ominous goals, announcing to Tim that it’s “gaining sentience.” While the film tries to introduce a deeper plot, it falls short, instead retaining an air of immaturity that diminishes its effectiveness.
Secrets of a Wallaby Boy comes to digital platforms on October 28, offering viewers a chance to see if they find the humor in its offbeat premise.