Anna Delvey, famously known as the “fake heiress,” is making waves in the world of reality television with her dazzling debut on “Dancing With the Stars.” Despite being under house arrest since 2022, Delvey found a way to infuse her unique style into her ankle monitor, which she recently bedazzled for the show’s Season 33 premiere.
In an exclusive chat with Page Six Style, the 33-year-old fashionista revealed how she collaborated with the show’s costume department to give her court-mandated tracking device a glamorous twist. “We couldn’t let the ankle bracelet go without some flair, so we matched it to my dress,” Delvey explained, emphasizing the creativity behind her fashion choice.
She further clarified her approach to the embellishment, stating, “It’s like a little sleeve that houses the rhinestones. They aren’t glued directly to the monitor, which seemed to be a concern for some viewers.” This innovative take on her ankle monitor certainly turned heads, showcasing her flair for accessorizing even in restricted circumstances.
Her dance partner, Ezra Sosa, also got in on the fun, sporting his own version of a decorative anklet in TikTok videos promoting the series. However, he noted that the show’s producers advised him against wearing his DIY piece during the live performance. “I was planning on sporting it, but it’s something I might save for later,” Sosa shared on the red carpet.
Delvey, whose real name is Anna Sorokin, previously captivated audiences as the subject of Netflix’s “Inventing Anna.” She gained notoriety after conning various businesses and individuals out of over $250,000 between 2013 and 2017, which eventually led to her imprisonment in 2019.
Before taking a step into the ballroom, Delvey had to secure special permission from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to travel from her New York home to Los Angeles. As she embraces this new chapter, she confirmed, “My primary residence is still New York, so I will return there after filming wraps. For now, I’m allowed to travel to LA for work.”
During her captivating performance, Delvey and Sosa danced a Cha Cha to “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter, although they received mixed feedback from the judges, garnering a combined score of 18 out of 30. “I felt good when it was over,” she admitted, noting her initial calm turned into nerves as showtime approached. “I was the last to perform, and I had hoped for better.”
With her vibrant ankle adornment and determined spirit, Anna Delvey is poised to make a distinct mark on “Dancing With the Stars,” inspiring viewers with her audacious sense of style and flair for the dramatic. She’ll return to the ballroom next Tuesday, ready to showcase her growth and passion for dance.