Aubrey Plaza is facing an unimaginable loss as her husband, filmmaker Jeff Baena, has reportedly taken his own life at the age of 47. According to sources, Baena was found unresponsive in his home in the Los Angeles area early Friday morning. The discovery was made by his assistant, leading to a call for police to conduct a death investigation around 10:30 a.m. local time. Sadly, the authorities confirmed that he was pronounced dead at the scene, with law enforcement suggesting that the film director’s death is being treated as a suicide.
Details surrounding his passing remain scarce, and an official cause of death has yet to be publicly released. The LAPD and the Coroner’s Office have been contacted for comments but have not yet responded to inquiries. Meanwhile, Plaza, who is 40, has not publicly addressed the tragic news but has communicated through her representative that the family is reeling from the loss and requests space during this harrowing time.
Plaza and Baena’s relationship blossomed in 2011, eventually leading to their marriage in 2021, a union that was kept under wraps until Plaza revealed their ceremony, which took place amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The actress shared that they spontaneously decided to tie the knot while spending time together during lockdown. In a lighthearted moment, she recounted that they joked about marrying on their ten-year anniversary and found a quick way to make it official through an online service.
Known for his distinct voice in indie filmmaking, Baena directed several projects including “Joshy” and “Horse Girl,” and co-wrote the cult classic “I Heart Huckabees.” Plaza has not yet released a statement regarding Baena’s death. According to her representative, his family is heartbroken and mourning this profound loss.
This tragic development underscores the importance of addressing mental health and the impact of suicide on families and communities. If you or someone you know is struggling, support is available through crisis services and hotlines.