In the realm of Gotham’s gritty depths, “The Penguin” has emerged as a captivating extension of Matt Reeves’ psychological thriller, “The Batman.” However, as the inaugural episode unfolds on Max, viewers may be baffled by the conspicuous absence of Gotham’s vigilante guardian, played by Robert Pattinson. This decision is not arbitrary; instead, it stems from a deliberate narrative choice that shifts the focus squarely onto Colin Farrell’s formidable character, Oswald “Oz” Cobb, as he navigates the chaotic aftermath of crime lord Carmine Falcone’s demise.
Set just a week after the tumultuous events of “The Batman,” this new series places Gotham on a precarious precipice. Following Riddler’s devastating flood that wreaked havoc across the city, chaos reigns supreme, particularly in the city’s most downtrodden sectors. While news outlets gleefully mention Batman’s heroics in rescuing civilians, the silence surrounding his whereabouts after the flood invites speculation. One theory that has gained traction posits that Batman may have gone underground, potentially even falling victim to the enigmatic Court of Owls, a cabal rumored to control Gotham’s elite.
The creative minds behind “The Penguin” firmly believe that crafting a narrative sans Batman provides an exhilarating freedom. Executive producer and director Matt Reeves articulated that the Batman franchise traditionally unfolds through Bruce Wayne’s lens, while this TV show allows for alternative perspectives that deserve attention. The showrunner, Lauren LeFranc, expressed a sense of liberation in developing a Gotham tale that doesn’t hinge on the Dark Knight, emphasizing the pursuit of crafting an engaging storyline rich enough that viewers wouldn’t miss Batman’s presence.
With Oswald Cobb intent on filling the power vacuum left by Falcone’s death, his ascension in Gotham’s criminal underworld endeavors to illustrate a facet of the city that often exists in Batman’s shadow. The first episode promises to serve as an enthralling journey into Cobb’s psyche as he contends with familial ties, personal ambition, and the intricate web of crime.
As audiences settle onto their couches for this thrilling new chapter, the question remains: will “The Penguin” provide glimpses into Batman’s elusive activities? While he may not occupy the screen this time, the series undoubtedly plants seeds of intrigue regarding Gotham’s masked protector, ensuring that fans of the franchise are both satisfied and curious about the hidden layers of its narrative. New episodes are set to stream Sunday nights, beckoning viewers back to the ever-evolving spectacle that is Gotham City.