Triston Harper, a standout from “American Idol,” has just embarked on a new chapter in his life. The 16-year-old singer recently announced his marriage to his girlfriend, Paris Reed, who is also pregnant with their first child. Harper shared the exciting news on his Facebook account on November 6, declaring his relationship status had officially changed to “married.”
Harper’s announcement was met with jubilation from his fans, whom he affectionately calls “harpies.” Just two days later, his mother, Hattie Mae Sullivan, shared a heartfelt selfie of the young couple beaming with joy, as Harper held a positive pregnancy test. Sullivan expressed her excitement about becoming a grandmother, noting that while the marriage news was one thing, the impending arrival of a grandchild was truly special.
The couple now has even more to celebrate, as fans have loved following Harper’s journey since he was a contestant on the 22nd season of “Idol,” where he impressed audiences and judges alike and finished in fifth place. During his journey on the show, he shared a touching story about his challenging upbringing in McIntosh, Alabama. Harper revealed that he faced homelessness shortly after turning 12, a narrative that resonated deeply with viewers.
Throughout his time on the show, Sullivan was a supportive presence, often seen cheering him on from the audience. Following his elimination, she has continued to play an active role in his career, helping him secure gigs and bookings. Harper described her dedication to his passion for music, emphasizing that she has been instrumental in keeping his momentum alive in Hollywood.
As he steps into this new role of husband and soon-to-be father, Harper’s fans are undoubtedly eager to see what the future holds for this young couple.