Sylvester Stallone recently showcased some unexpected dance moves that have left fans buzzing. The 78-year-old star of the iconic “Rocky” franchise took to Instagram to share a playful video of himself cutting loose to the classic Motown hit “More Love” by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles. In his post, Stallone explained that he was surprised while going through a wardrobe fitting for an upcoming project and felt inspired to move to the music.
In the clip, Stallone, dressed casually in a navy blue sweater and jeans, dances barefoot. His quirky gyrations have attracted attention, with fans responding positively to his offbeat performance. “I didn’t expect Rambo to bust a move, but he’s surprisingly good! The rhythm is there!” one fan commented.
The actor later shared another edited version of the dance video set to Bryson Tiller’s 2015 track “Rambo,” cheekily captioning it “And the beat goes on… RAMBO TIME!” Fans continued to express their admiration in the comments section, with one noting, “It seems like you are forever young, Sly!” while another had a humorous warning about the perils of dancing as one ages, humorously writing, “Be careful Sly, after 40 you can’t do the dip or your hip goes snip.”
In addition to his dancing antics, Stallone has been in the headlines for another reason. Reports indicate that he is in the process of acquiring a stunning $24.95 million mansion in East Hampton for his three daughters: Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet. This luxurious property boasts eight bedrooms and spans nearly 12,000 square feet, with ample outdoor space, reflecting Stallone’s commitment to his family.
As fans continue to celebrate Stallone’s dance moment, it’s clear that this Hollywood icon is proving that age is just a number, whether in the ring or on the dance floor.