Sundance Head, the champion of “The Voice,” is recovering after a terrifying gunshot incident that left him hospitalized. His wife, Misty Head, took to Facebook to share the details of his condition and the harrowing experience that unfolded on their Texas ranch. She posted a picture of his bullet-ridden tank top, a stark reminder of how fortunate they were.
After facing a gunshot wound to the abdomen, Sundance, who is 46, was released from the hospital just a day later. Misty vividly described the difficult journey home, revealing that the ride was challenging for Sundance as he suffered bleeding through his dressings. She expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support from friends and family during this ordeal.
Misty elaborated on the freak accident, explaining that Sundance was hunting when the mishap occurred. While reaching to retrieve his .22 caliber firearm, the gun discharged inadvertently, with the bullet entering above his navel. Thankfully, it lodged in his abdominal wall, narrowly missing vital organs, and he won’t need surgery as the bullet is embedded in fatty tissue.
The couple emphasized their relief that the outcome wasn’t more severe, stating that if the bullet had entered even slightly higher or lower, the results could have been catastrophic. Misty’s post was filled with gratitude for their luck and the support they received, emphasizing the power of community during tough times.
Sundance gained fame as the winner of Season 11 of “The Voice,” where he was coached by Blake Shelton. Before that, he had also made waves on “American Idol” in 2007, reaching the semifinals. The couple continues to remain optimistic as Sundance begins his recovery at home, thankful for the second chance they’ve been given.