Steven Shortino, the visionary behind iSmash, recently shared intriguing insights on innovative methods celebrities can employ to combat stress at his one-of-a-kind entertainment venues. Since opening its doors in 2018, iSmash has become a hotspot for relaxation and fun, featuring rage rooms, black light splatter painting, and axe throwing. High-profile figures like Gordon Ramsay and Beau Casper Smart have taken the plunge, indulging in these unique stress-release activities.
Shortino emphasizes the importance of providing memorable experiences without heavy costs, noting that iSmash caters to families, groups of friends, and anyone in need of a healthy outlet for their frustrations. He describes the atmosphere at iSmash as exhilarating and welcoming, where visitors can let loose by smashing electronics, expressing their creativity through vibrant splatter art, or honing their aim with axe throwing.
The concept behind the rage rooms is particularly compelling. Shortino explains that breaking objects in a safe, controlled environment allows individuals to vent their frustrations in a productive manner. Art creation in the black light splatter painting rooms serves as a liberating creative outlet, while axe throwing offers both mental and physical challenges that help alleviate tension by requiring focus and precision.
Shortino is also a strong advocate for self-care in everyday life. He advises people to integrate small daily activities into their routines to help mitigate stress, such as engaging in physical workouts, practicing mindful breathing, or exploring creative hobbies like drawing and journaling. Even simple actions like a leisurely walk or listening to favorite tunes can reset one’s mental state.
On a personal level, Shortino shares his strategies for staying centered. He prioritizes recreation, making it a point to spend time outdoors, exercise regularly, and cherish moments spent with loved ones. Recognizing the importance of breaks, he does not shy away from taking short respites or even planning weekend trips to recharge his spirit. This balance between work and personal time is crucial for maintaining focus and motivation.
With new venues opening in Reno and Las Vegas, Steve Shortino is set to make waves in the wellness entertainment sector, proving that self-care can be both fun and effective.