Pamela Hayden, a beloved voice actor from “The Simpsons,” is officially saying farewell after an impressive 35-year tenure on the show. Known primarily for voicing Milhouse, Jimbo Jones, and various other characters, Hayden’s departure marks a significant moment as the series continues into its 36th season. The announcement of her retirement comes shortly before her final performance in the episode titled “Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes,” airing on November 24, 2024.
In a heartfelt tribute video, Hayden expressed her deep affection for Milhouse and the colorful characters she has brought to life throughout her time on the iconic animated series. She shared her thoughts on her departure, stating, “The time has come for me to hang up my microphone, but how do I say goodbye to The Simpsons?…not easily. It’s been an honor and a joy to have worked on such a funny, witty, and groundbreaking show.”
As the show evolves, it has faced changes in its cast over the years, with other significant actors having exited. Carrying on without Hayden will undoubtedly be a challenge for the series. Fox has announced plans to cast new voice actors to take over her roles, including those of Milhouse and Jimbo.
Despite the show’s ongoing success, Hayden’s exit brings a sense of nostalgia as she has been part of “The Simpsons” legacy, contributing to some of the most memorable moments in its history. Matt Groening, the creator of the series, remarked on Hayden’s impact, saying, “Pamela gave us tons of laughs with Milhouse, the hapless kid with the biggest nose in Springfield. She made Milhouse hilarious and real, and we will miss her.”
The process of transitioning to new voice actors has been navigated before, but Hayden’s departure seems particularly poignant. The question remains whether the show will successfully maintain the essence of its characters without her unique contributions. For now, fans can prepare for one last showcase of Hayden’s talents in the upcoming episode.