Sebastian Stan, the Marvel star best recognized for his role as Bucky Barnes, is gearing up for a bustling awards season. Currently, he’s receiving accolades for his riveting performance as a young Donald Trump in Ali Abbasi’s biopic “The Apprentice.” Additionally, he could garner more accolades for “A Different Man,” which earned him a Silver Bear for Best Performance at this year’s Berlin International Film Festival. After the Oscars next March, he will shift focus to promote his upcoming role in the MCU’s “Thunderbolts.”
Stan has enjoyed a fortunate trajectory in his career, collaborating with top-tier directors such as Jonathan Demme, Ridley Scott, and Steven Soderbergh. His consistent presence in the MCU provides reassurance in case other opportunities become scarce. Yet, like many actors, he has experienced the sting of missed opportunities, one of which was a chance to explore the final frontier.
During a recent appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Stan revealed he was in the running for the iconic role of Captain Kirk in the 2009 “Star Trek” reboot directed by J.J. Abrams. He reflected, “There were a couple of roles I really wanted and got very close to. Captain Kirk was one of them. I had a screen test at Paramount and even did a special photoshoot where I mimicked classic William Shatner poses to show J.J. how much I resembled him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.”
At the time, Stan was 29, arguably on the younger side to portray the freshly minted Starfleet captain. However, his exceptional versatility might have allowed him to exceed expectations. Ultimately, Abrams chose Chris Pine for the role, a decision that seems to have paid off, considering Pine’s thriving career, which now includes directing. Meanwhile, Stan’s star is on the rise as he approaches a potentially monumental awards season.