Roman Kemp has reportedly been spotted enjoying a romantic day out in London with his alleged new girlfriend, Carmen Gaggero. The 31-year-old presenter of The One Show has been seen hand-in-hand with the blonde beauty as they explored the city, culminating their outing with a cozy dinner at Le Petit Maison, a French-Mediterranean eatery located in Mayfair.
This isn’t the first time Roman and Carmen have been seen together. According to reports, Carmen, who is said to work as a production and casting assistant, was present during memorable moments for Roman, including the time he met King Charles and Queen Camilla. She was also alongside him when he had an encounter with the Princess of Wales on another occasion.
Sources close to Roman have indicated that he has typically kept his romantic life private. However, he has openly expressed his aspirations for a family in previous interviews.
In a candid discussion with Heat magazine in July, Roman admitted to feeling “terrified about not having kids,” which he described as a significant concern. He recalled even undergoing a sperm check at 30, emphasizing his deep-rooted desire to have a family. Reflecting on his upbringing, he stated, “I honestly think I’m such a family person. I’m so grateful for the life that I’ve been able to have growing up… I couldn’t think of anything better.” He further shared with friends that true happiness for him would be announcing, “I’m going to have a baby!”
Roman has often referenced his parents, Martin and Shirlie Kemp, highlighting their long-lasting marriage as an inspiration. In discussions from 2022, he shared insights about his hopes for love, expressing that meeting someone in an idyllic setting seemed unrealistic, yet he recognizes the influence of his family’s romantic history. “In an ideal world, I’d meet someone in the middle of the street but that’s not reality. But I need to sort myself out first. I’m not ready to think about someone else until I can sort my own head out,” he reflected.
As Roman ventures into a new chapter of his personal life, fans are eager to see how his relationship with Carmen unfolds.