In a recent twist in the ongoing saga of “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” new cast member Katie Ginella has stood firm in her assertion that fellow housewife Heather Dubrow orchestrated a paparazzi encounter for herself. In an exclusive chat on Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast, Ginella hinted at undisclosed evidence that could substantiate her claims.
Holding nothing back, the 40-year-old Ginella said, “There is more,” referencing a controversial text she shared during Season 18, purportedly from a contact at a major photography agency. This unnamed source seemingly confirmed that Dubrow had indeed coordinated the paparazzi shoot.
“My husband and I have been in the media for two decades and know this individual well,” Ginella explained, emphasizing their trust in the information. While she refrained from sharing their private conversation, stating her respect for her contact’s professionalism, she remained confident in her position.
The accusation isn’t new, as in Season 17, Dubrow faced scrutiny for allegedly conspiring with photographers during a Disneyland visit with her husband, Dr. Terry Dubrow. This was reportedly in response to swirling rumors about marital strife fueled by alleged infidelity. Heather, however, has consistently denied any collaboration with photographers.
Shortly after becoming a full-time cast member, Ginella raised the topic once more, detailing her belief that Dubrow had engaged a photographer to capture their Disneyland outing. Despite her claims, Heather has refuted the possibility of her involvement in arranging the photo op, especially during heated exchanges with Ginella.
Ginella has a close relationship with a leading figure in a photography agency, who supposedly confirmed the claims of Heather’s involvement with the paparazzi. Yet, she has chosen not to reveal any further evidence, sticking firmly to the one text message that has ignited the conflict in Season 18.
Currently, the tension between Ginella and Dubrow remains palpable, as they are reportedly not on speaking terms. Ginella acknowledged that her photographer friend is keeping a distance from the drama as it unfolds on-screen, stating, “They kind of just disengage.” However, she hinted that additional verification exists but is withholding it for now.
Adding to the interest, Ginella made history this season as the first Asian American woman to join “RHOC.” She believes that the debate will hinge on nuances in Heather’s denial. “If you listen closely to what she’s saying, it’s all about semantics. Just because Heather claims she didn’t directly call the paps doesn’t rule out that someone else didn’t act on her behalf.”
“Real Housewives of Orange County” airs every Thursday at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo, promising viewers more drama and revelations as this storyline unfolds.