In a recent revelation from the ongoing storyline of Absolute Power: Task Force VII, Amanda Waller, a formidable figure in the DC Universe, has officially labeled one of her Green Lanterns as a rising national security threat. This declaration comes as an edgy twist in the DC narrative that has put the spotlight on Green Lantern Alan Scott. Waller’s statement indicates that Scott transcends the typical role of a Green Lantern, suggesting that his abilities pose a greater risk than she initially anticipated.
The issue, which explores Scott’s complex dynamics with Waller, introduces a new character named Jadestone, one of several Amazo robots engineered by Waller for her Task Force VII. This mechanized antagonist makes his entrance by engaging in a fierce battle against members of the Justice Society of America, including Scott, effectively siphoning their powers during the confrontation. However, the JSA narrowly escapes the clash when Jadestone unexpectedly powers down, leaving Waller furious about the botched mission and pressing the need to recapture Scott and his allies.
Waller’s frustration was palpable as she emphasized that Alan Scott’s threat status had significantly escalated, elevating him above other Green Lanterns. Her comments imply a deeper concern than just his Lantern abilities, as the question lingers: what makes Scott such a dire security risk, especially in a depowered state? While Waller’s comments remain vague, they set the stage for potential intrigue in forthcoming editions.
An unexpected development occurs when Jadestone absorbs some of Scott’s powers, including a piece of the Starheart, which contributes to Scott’s abilities. This absorbs part of Scott’s essence, endowing Jadestone with a semblance of free will—a groundbreaking concept for a robot designed for obedience. This newly acquired autonomy could be pivotal, as Jadestone begins to question the notion of free will, influenced by his interactions with Scott.
As the plot unfolds, the potential for betrayal arises. The weakening of Waller’s control over the Amazos, partly attributed to their moral evolution from the heroes they have drained, could allow Scott to manipulate this situation in his favor. Previous issues have hinted at dissent within Waller’s military machinery, indicating that even the most precise plans can unravel.
In an almost Machiavellian twist, Scott’s role becomes instrumental in the psychological battle playing out between Waller and her corrupted creations. Even while imprisoned, Scott engages Jadestone in discussions over strategic concepts of choice and liberty through chess games. These critical exchanges could lead to Jadestone ultimately revolting against Waller’s iron grip.
The upcoming issue, while not directly resolving these tensions, promises to delve deeper into the evolving relationship between Scott and Jadestone. As the stakes continue to rise, fans are left with the tantalizing prospect that Scott may emerge as not just a luminary hero, but as a cunning architect of his own escape plan—a potential liberator capable of turning Waller’s own constructs against her.
The third issue of Absolute Power: Task Force VII is now available for readers eager to explore this riveting narrative shift further.