This weekend witnessed an unexpected clash at the box office as the horror sequel “Terrifier 3” delivered a brutal blow to “Joker: Folie à Deux.” Directed by Todd Phillips and featuring Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker alongside Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn, “Joker 2” stumbled out of the gate with a disappointing opening of $37.8 million. Unfortunately for its fans, it is now projected to experience a staggering 82% decrease in its second weekend, earning a mere $6.8 million from Friday to Sunday. This decline marks not only the steepest second-week drop for a DC movie but also sets a new record for the most drastic second weekend drop ever recorded for a Hollywood comic book feature, surpassing the previously held record by “The Marvels,” which dropped 80%.
There is an ironic twist in the tale, especially for those familiar with the narrative of “Joker: Folie à Deux,” as it finds itself overshadowed by another darkly comedic figure. At the center of “Terrifier 3” is the chilling character Art the Clown, portrayed by David Howard Thornton, who embodies a sinister yet oddly charismatic force, delivering horror with a cheeky grin. The “Terrifier” franchise began with the original film in 2016 but truly gained momentum with “Terrifier 2,” which ramped up the gore while enhancing its storytelling.
“Terrifier 3” is set to secure approximately $16 million in its debut weekend, easily surpassing the total box office of its predecessor, which made $15 million globally. Notably, this installment boasts the franchise’s highest production budget to date at $2 million, while “Joker: Folie à Deux” carried a hefty $200 million budget, which included sizable paychecks of $20 million each for Phoenix and Phillips and $12 million for Gaga.