Scott Sartiano, the hospitality mogul known for his high-profile ventures in New York City nightlife, appears to have had quite a tumultuous summer in the Hamptons, leading to speculation about his future in the area. After making a splash by opening a pop-up version of his famed restaurant at the historic Hedges Inn in East Hampton, it seems the challenges he faced may deter him from returning next season.
Sources suggest that Sartiano’s ambitious plans to establish a lasting legacy in the Hamptons have been overshadowed by a series of setbacks. The season was marked by significant struggles, including alleged harassment from local law enforcement and mounting pressure from the local government. Despite his intentions to integrate into the community and create a family-friendly atmosphere, local tensions flared, prompting complaints and fines related to noise disturbances.
Sartiano, who initially envisioned expanding his success from trendy New York hotspots like Sartiano’s and Zero Bond into the Hamptons, found himself at odds with concerned residents. Plans to transform the pop-up into a more permanent venue were complicated by the backlash he received from local officials and prominent figures in the area.
With his lease for the pop-up having lapsed, it’s uncertain whether Sartiano will pursue another summer in the Hamptons. Although one insider mentioned that the situation is “up in the air,” the likelihood of his return seems slim. The once-optimistic dream of carving out a slice of the summer playground for his family may now be slipping away.
This summer’s experience has evidently left Sartiano reflecting on the realities of bringing his nightlife empire to a community that fiercely guards its traditions. As he weighs his options for the future, it appears that the allure of the Hamptons may not be enough to entice him back after a challenging debut season.