Kelly Bishop, known for her role as Emily Gilmore on the beloved series “Gilmore Girls,” has recently shared her candid thoughts on the show’s final season, which came about following the departure of showrunner Amy Sherman-Palladino. In her newly released memoir, “The Third Gilmore Girl,” Bishop reflects on the noticeable shift in the series after Palladino left during the sixth season, a move prompted by a contract dispute.
As one of the show’s key characters—mother to Lorelai and grandmother to Rory—Bishop’s insights carry substantial weight. She expressed her disappointment that the essence and energy of the series dwindled without Palladino at the helm. Her observations underscore a collective sentiment that the show’s creative spark faded, with Bishop likening its progression to a “big, sparkly balloon” losing air, indicating a tacit awareness among cast and crew that the end was near, even if it was unspoken.
Bishop noted that, to her knowledge, Palladino has not watched a single episode of Season 7, which further emphasizes the divide left by her absence. The actress’s perspective highlights the stark contrast between the seasons that flourished under Palladino’s guidance and those that followed.
While Bishop’s critique of Season 7 casts a shadow over the series’ conclusion, she did express some appreciation for the revival, “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.” Despite the divisiveness of the revival among fans, she acknowledged it as a meaningful continuation of the characters’ journeys, bolstered by the return of Palladino to wrap up their narratives.
This perspective sheds light on the importance of adhering to the creator’s vision in television storytelling. Bishop’s feelings resonate with many fans who harbor dissatisfaction with how the series ultimately unfolded and suggest that a potential future revival could serve to reignite the spirit of the beloved characters, perhaps allowing for a fresh exploration of their lives and relationships.
“Gilmore Girls,” a hallmark of early 2000s television, made a significant transition from The WB to The CW during its final season, leaving a legacy strengthened by its sharp writing and vibrant characters. Bishop’s reflections remind us of the unique blend of wit and warmth that made the series a classic. The allure of Star’s Hollow continues to call out to viewers, raising hopes for the stories of Lorelai, Rory, and the rest to be revisited once more.