In an exclusive sneak peek at the highly anticipated reunion of “Real Housewives of Dubai,” tensions flare between former friends Chanel Ayan and Lesa Milan, culminating in a dramatic shouting match. The confrontation centers around a controversial voice note that has been at the heart of the Season 2 conflict.
Hosted by Andy Cohen, the reunion episode reveals Ayan’s accusations against Milan regarding her knowledge of the voice note prior to it being discussed by cast member Caroline Stanbury. The situation escalates during a clip where Sara Al Madani is seen conveying drama involving fellow castmates, an audio clip that Ayan played for Stanbury without Milan’s consent.
Throughout the sneak peek, viewers witness Ayan passionately argue that Milan was aware of the voice note before Stanbury brought it up during a dinner in Bali. Ayan, 46, is adamant that her former friend knew what was coming, while Milan, 35, staunchly refutes this claim.
“Andy, do me a favor. Ask production,” Ayan demands, pushing for clarity from Cohen. As the debate unfolds, Al Madani interjects, claiming to have confronted Milan about her knowledge of the voice note, further complicating the already strained relationship.
Adding fuel to the fire, Taleen Marie, another cast member, supports Ayan’s perspective by asserting that producers had informed them that Milan indeed had prior knowledge of the controversial audio. In the heat of the conflict, Milan boldly challenges Cohen to confirm the facts with his production team.
Cohen does just that, referencing a supervising producer who aligns with Ayan, reinforcing her point that Milan was in the loop. Ayan cannot contain her excitement upon hearing this confirmation, celebrating her perceived victory over Milan, who remains unconvinced.
Prior to the reunion, Ayan expressed hopes of mending their fractured friendship during an appearance on Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast, describing Milan as family and emphasizing the importance of their bond. However, given the intensity of their recent exchanges, fans are left questioning if reconciliation is still possible.
As part two of the “Real Housewives of Dubai” Season 2 reunion prepares to air, viewers can tune in this Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo, with streaming available the following day on Peacock. The tension between Ayan and Milan seems far from resolved, and the reunion promises to bring more revelations and drama to the forefront.