Eva Amurri candidly opens up about her upbringing under the strict dietary guidelines of her mother, the renowned actress Susan Sarandon. In a recent interview, Amurri described her mother as a quintessential “almond mom,” highlighting how Sarandon’s healthy eating habits influenced her childhood perception of food. Amurri recalled, “My mom regarded Cheerios as junk food, which really illustrates her commitment to health.”
Growing up in the early 1980s New York City, Sarandon would trek to the sole organic grocery store, underscoring her dedication to sourcing nutritious food for her family. Even today, Sarandon remains firmly rooted in her health-conscious lifestyle, often sending Amurri’s children what Amurri describes as “disgusting cereal” that they refuse to eat. Amurri, who shares three kids—Marlowe Mae, Major James, and Mateo Antoni—with her former husband Kyle Martin, commented on the lighthearted nature of food in her household.
She mentioned that her children don’t have the same rigid approach to eating, allowing them the freedom to enjoy fast food like McDonald’s on occasion. “My four-year-old often stops eating when he feels satisfied, which I think reflects my relaxed attitude about food,” Amurri explained.
Sarandon, now 78, has consistently maintained her belief in healthy eating and regular exercise as the secrets to her vibrant appearance and overall wellness. She has publicly advised others to embrace hydration, moderation, and the joy of laughter, essential elements she credits for her graceful aging.
As the dialogue continues around food and health, Amurri’s reflections on her upbringing provide a glimpse into the challenges and freedoms that shape our relationship with nutrition.