Chloe Fineman, a prominent cast member of “Saturday Night Live,” has shared a candid moment from the show’s past involving tech mogul Elon Musk, which left her in tears. In a now-deleted TikTok video, Fineman, celebrated for her spot-on impersonations of celebrities like Jennifer Coolidge and Britney Spears, opened up about her experience during Musk’s hosting stint in 2021.
The revelation arose in response to Musk’s recent comments regarding “SNL” and his portrayal on the show. Fineman expressed her frustration, stating, “I’m the cast member that he made cry. He’s the host that made someone cry.” This sentiment aligns with earlier remarks made by her co-star Bowen Yang, who indicated that Musk’s criticism of cast members’ sketches created tension before a table read.
Fineman recalled the moment when she presented her sketch to Musk, who she claimed reacted coldly, saying, “It’s not funny.” She pointed out how his intense critique led her to feel disheartened after putting in significant effort to create something she was proud of. Adding insult to injury, Musk reportedly went through her script, declaring, “I didn’t laugh once, not one time.”
Despite the challenging encounter, Fineman acknowledged Musk’s eventual performance, stating, “I actually had a really good time and thought you were really funny in it.” But she emphasized the importance of courteous behavior, humorously addressing Musk as “sir.”
In a turn of events, Musk responded to Fineman’s remarks on social media, implying that the sketches only found their comedic stride just before the Saturday broadcast, illustrating his concern about the quality of the show. His colorful analogy suggesting that the episode could be so unfunny it might “make a crackhead sober” sparked a wave of reactions.
Critics have not held back in discussing Musk’s episode, labeling it as lackluster, with comments about his absence of charm and comedic timing. The conversation surrounding this episode escalated with Fineman’s recent outspokenness, particularly after “SNL” aired a segment featuring a mocking impression of Musk shortly after the controversial 2024 presidential election.
In the wake of the election, the show found itself in hot water, with Musk publicly condemning its content and characterizations, arguing that it had strayed far from reality and criticizing the appearance of Vice President Kamala Harris in past episodes.
As the world anticipates more developments between these high-profile personalities, it remains to be seen how this ongoing feud will unfold on social media and beyond. A long-running staple of late-night television, “Saturday Night Live” continues to provoke discussions about its relevance and the intersection of comedy and current events.