Chanel Maya Banks, best known for her role in “Gossip Girl,” has recently filed for a restraining order against her mother and cousin, amidst troubling family dynamics that have unfolded in the public eye. Reports from TMZ indicate that Banks, now 36, took this legal step on Thursday, alleging harassment by her mother, Lutchmin Judy Kumar, and cousin, Danielle-Tori Singh.
The situation escalated after Banks reportedly went missing, prompting her family to express concern and enlist law enforcement for a wellness check. According to her claims, Kumar and Singh actively sought to undermine her credibility, attempting repeated unwanted communications even after she sought to distance herself from them back in October.
In the documentation submitted to the court, Banks accuses her family members of invasive behavior, including breaking into her residence on November 10 while she was away, allegedly attacking her husband, Carlos Jiménez, and taking items such as his work badge. Disturbingly, she also stated that they placed an Apple AirTag on her vehicle, tracking her movements without consent.
Despite family members asserting that they only wanted to express their concern for her well-being, Banks insists that their actions have left her feeling threatened. She noted that the duo has suggested she should undergo a 5150 psychiatric hold and has made shocking allegations against her husband, claiming he was involved in a murder plot.
While Banks seeks a legal barrier to prevent further contact and public statements regarding her life, family sources are contesting her version of events. They deny the accusations and state that there has been no assault on Jiménez, further distancing themselves from the situation.
The family dynamic has taken a dramatic turn, particularly after Banks went viral following her family’s launch of a GoFundMe campaign to help locate her. Kumar and Singh claimed they could not reach her after October 30, leading to multiple police visits to her home, though authorities reported that Banks was found safe without any signs of foul play.
In a now-deleted social media post, Banks mentioned traveling to Texas for a baptism, which only added layers to the ongoing drama. As this tumultuous saga unfolds, it raises questions about the lengths families may go to in attempts to protect loved ones, even as those efforts sometimes spiral into chaos.