Bhad Bhabie opens up about undergoing a nose job, addressing speculation regarding her recent health struggles. The young rapper, known for her breakout hit “Gucci Flip Flops,” shared her surgical journey with fans via Instagram Stories, including candid photos that highlighted the bruising and swelling she experienced post-op. “Day 6! Nose jobs are not for the weak!!” she wrote. In a follow-up post, she revealed her motivation for the surgery, stating, “I just wanted to remove the hump.”
However, the announcement didn’t come without controversy. Following her reveal, she faced criticism, especially from those recalling her recent cancer diagnosis. Bhad Bhabie, whose real name is Danielle Bregoli, quickly responded to the backlash. “Y’all it doesn’t matter if you liked my nose before… this is my face. I didn’t like it so I fixed it,” she declared on social media, emphasizing the importance of owning one’s decisions regarding body image. She further highlighted the complexity of perceptions surrounding cosmetic surgery, asserting, “Lying about plastic surgery is a problem and clearly so is telling the truth about having it.”
Bregoli took the time to reassure her followers that her medical team had cleared her for the cosmetic procedure despite her cancer diagnosis. “I don’t know who told y’all you can’t get surgery when you have cancer,” she stated, stressing the professional approval she received before proceeding with the nose job. The rapper also sought to clarify rumors regarding her health, explicitly stating that she does not have breast cancer, saying, “Y’all don’t even know what kind of cancer I have.”
Despite the challenges, Bhad Bhabie provided updates on her health journey, revealing that she has been managing her condition well, as she shared in November that she was doing “OK.” The discussions surrounding her recent surgery and health have sparked considerable conversation online, reflecting both support and criticism from fans and the public alike.