In an unexpected yet delightfully stylish twist, Bella Hadid took to the streets of New York City on horseback, marking a unique conclusion to New York Fashion Week. On September 12, the supermodel was spotted riding alongside her boyfriend, Adan Banuelos, in a spirited celebration of his acclaimed short film series, Window to the West.
The couple, who began their romantic journey in October 2023, embraced a Western aesthetic with their matching ensembles. They participated in a Horse Cutting demonstration organized by Teton Ridge at a Kemo Sabe pop-up venue, setting the stage for a charming spectacle amidst the bustling city.
Their outfits reflected a chic yet rugged flair, incorporating jeans, leather belts adorned with engraved buckles, fringed chaps, classic black button-down shirts, cowboy boots, and stylish black cowboy hats. Bella particularly stood out by wearing the distinguished Kemo Sabe Black Beaver Hat, which she later sported again for an afterparty look.
Adding to the family’s presence, Yolanda Hadid, Bella’s mother and the matchmaker behind this couple’s connection, graced the occasion with her presence. Earlier in the day, Bella showcased her fashion versatility by pairing the brand’s Grit Cognac Fox Suede Jenny cowboy boots with a playful Frankies Bikinis Audrey Polka Dot Mini Dress for a shopping excursion.
The event served as a celebration not just of fashion, but of personal milestones and connections, highlighting the blend of art, style, and relationship dynamics that are often present at such high-profile gatherings. As the week of fashion culminated, Bella Hadid reinvigorated the fusion of traditional Western motifs with modern glamour, a reminder that the spirit of the runway can transcend boundaries, much like her equestrian adventure through the iconic streets of New York.