Artem Chigvintsev seems to be moving on from his estranged wife, Nikki Garcia, amid their tumultuous situation. The former “Dancing With the Stars” professional has recently removed Garcia’s name from his Instagram bio, a move that comes on the heels of his recent arrest for domestic violence. This change in his social media profile appears to signal a shift in his public acknowledgment of their relationship.
Chigvintsev’s Instagram bio, which formerly included a link to Garcia’s Instagram page, now reads: “Father to Matteo👦🏼, DWTS Pro Dancer, Emmy Nominated Choreographer, DWTS Mirror Ball Winner, SCD Mirror Ball Winner.” This update comes shortly after his arrest on August 29 in Napa Valley, California. Chigvintsev was taken into custody for felony corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant but was released later that afternoon on a $25,000 bail.
The arrest followed an incident where Chigvintsev initially contacted 911 to report a domestic violence situation at his home. However, he later requested that first responders not come to the scene after a truck had already been dispatched. This conflicting action has added complexity to the unfolding events.
Friends of the couple have described their relationship as “volatile,” expressing that while they were shocked by the news of Chigvintsev’s arrest, it was not entirely unexpected given the dynamics they had observed. The arrest occurred just days after Chigvintsev and Garcia celebrated their second wedding anniversary, a milestone that seemed to be overshadowed by the recent events.
Prior to the arrest, Garcia had spoken openly about their marriage on the “Nikki & Brie Show” podcast. She expressed a desire to use their anniversary as an opportunity to have a deep and meaningful conversation about their relationship. Garcia, 40, mentioned that they had discussed their marriage during intimate moments together, such as in the steam room or sauna, aiming to address areas for improvement and set future goals for their relationship. She had hoped these conversations would help them reconnect and strengthen their bond.
Despite these efforts, the couple’s relationship has evidently faced significant challenges. Chigvintsev and Garcia, who were married in 2022, share a 4-year-old son named Matteo. The recent developments and public actions suggest a growing distance between them, with Chigvintsev’s removal of Garcia’s name from his Instagram bio symbolizing a clear step toward separation.