Steven Shortino, the mastermind behind iSmash, recently shared his innovative methods that celebs are adopting to unwind and alleviate stress at his entertainment venues. From rage rooms to black light splatter painting and axe throwing, iSmash has become a go-to spot for high-profile individuals seeking a fun escape from the pressures of fame.
Since opening its doors in 2018, iSmash has welcomed a host of celebrities, including culinary icon Gordon Ramsay and dancer Beau Casper Smart, who are embracing these unique activities. Shortino emphasizes that whether you’re a family in search of an exciting outing, a group of friends aiming for a new experience, or simply someone needing to vent, iSmash offers an unforgettable experience that is budget-friendly.
What can visitors look forward to? According to Shortino, iSmash guarantees a lively and exhilarating atmosphere. Participants can smash old electronics in rage rooms, unleash their creativity in vibrant black light splatter painting sessions, or test their skills in axe throwing. Each activity is carefully designed to help guests leave their stress behind.
In the rage rooms, breaking items serves as an outlet for frustration in a safe and controlled space. The black light splatter painting offers a colorful and free-spirited form of self-expression, while axe throwing combines a mental and physical challenge, promoting focus and relieving tension.
Shortino not only facilitates stress relief for others but practices self-care in his daily routine. He advocates for incorporating small activities that dispel tension, such as exercising, practicing deep breathing, or enjoying creative pursuits like drawing or journaling. Even a simple walk or listening to favorite tunes can be transformative.
For Shortino, personal recharge is essential. He dedicates time to reconnecting with nature, exercising, and cherishing moments with loved ones. He stresses the importance of recognizing when a break is needed, whether it’s a brief walk or a short getaway. Striking a balance between work and personal time is crucial for maintaining focus and motivation.
As the world continues to navigate high-stress situations, Shortino’s approach at iSmash offers a refreshing way for people, including celebrities, to take a breather and reconnect with themselves in a playful, engaging environment.