Tom Dean, the star of Strictly Come Dancing, recently expressed his sincere apologies after an incident during rehearsals involving his partner Nadiya Bychkova. The duo spoke about their experience on Wednesday’s It Takes Two with host Janette Manrara, reflecting on their first live performance and what’s next for them.
During a training session, the Olympic swimmer, who stands at 6 feet 5 inches tall and wears size 13 shoes, accidentally stepped on Nadiya’s toes. Tom spoke candidly about the mishap, admitting it was an unintended consequence of his large footwork.
He shared, “I would be dishonest if I said that hasn’t happened a few times. At one point, I went full in with the heel.” Nadiya humorously added, “On the broken toe!” Tom continued, “So all size 13 of them went down. I was very, very apologetic.”
Nadiya reassured everyone that her toe was fine, stating, “These Ukrainian toes are very strong, and they’re all okay. We are ensuring that this doesn’t happen again.”
Looking ahead, Tom and Nadiya are gearing up for their upcoming performance of the Cha Cha Cha. Tom remarked on their practice, saying, “We spent about half an hour learning how to walk, and I just couldn’t figure it out. But we’re making progress.” He also provided a glimpse into their preparations through an Instagram update.
In a fun exchange, Nadiya shared a snippet from their rehearsal where Tom questioned, “What do I do with my face?” to which she responded positively, “Your face is great! Let’s focus on everything else.”
Strictly Come Dancing continues this Saturday, September 28, at 6:15 PM on BBC One and BBC iPlayer, while It Takes Two airs weeknights at 6:30 PM on BBC Two.