Dave Coulier, the beloved comedian known for his role on Full House, has been candidly sharing the ups and downs of his journey with chemotherapy as he battles stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In a recent episode of his podcast Full House Rewind, the 65-year-old reflected on the mixed bag of symptoms he’s been experiencing, describing it as a “roller coaster” ride.
Coulier noted that while his treatment is progressing well, he misses the warmth that his hair typically provides. Living in chilly Michigan, he humorously commented on how hair acts like a natural insulator. He quipped that in the summer, he might enjoy the “air conditioning” sensation on his scalp but ultimately expressed excitement about the prospect of regaining his hair.
The comedian described his treatment regimen as a “constant cocktail,” likening it to being in a perpetual state of fight or flight as his body strives to adapt to the medications. He explained, “For those who have been through this, you know it’s a wild ride. The side effects come with their own set of issues, and you often end up taking another medication just to counteract those effects.”
Coulier’s diagnosis came as a shock last November, initially mistaking his symptoms for a simple head cold. “When I heard the news, it felt like I was punched in the stomach,” he shared. He emphasized that such a diagnosis always seems to happen to “someone else,” making the reality all the more jarring.
Despite the challenges, there are days when Coulier feels great, though there are also tougher days when he simply needs to rest. Notably, his friend John Stamos showed his support during this time, although it stirred some controversy after Stamos donned a bald cap instead of shaving his head. Nevertheless, Coulier appreciated the gesture, recognizing the thought behind it.
Coulier is expected to complete his chemotherapy treatments by February 2025, having undergone six rounds every three weeks. As he navigates this difficult chapter, he remains hopeful and focused on recovery.