Last night’s gripping episode of Coronation Street aired on September 25, with a dramatic confrontation between Gary and Mason following a distressing message from Liam. Detective Swain then met with concerned parents Gary, Sean, and Maria to discuss the troubling situation surrounding Mason. Fans of Corrie are eagerly anticipating DS Swain uncovering Gary’s dark past, hoping it leads to his arrest.
In recent developments, Mason found himself newly released from prison after Sean learned from Dylan that it was Betsy who stole the purse at Speed Daal, not Mason. This revelation prompted Sean to contact DS Swain, resulting in Betsy confessing to the crime. The tension escalated when, while hanging out with Dylan, Betsy, and Liam, Mason approached them to apologize, leading Liam to inform Gary of Mason’s presence. In a fit of rage, Gary confronted Mason, pushing him against a wall. Although Stu attempted to intervene, it wasn’t long before DS Swain got involved, having a serious discussion with Sean, Gary, and Maria. When Gary made threatening remarks towards Mason, Lisa cautioned him against making such threats in front of her.
As the drama unfolded, viewers are now calling for DS Swain to investigate Gary’s past actions. Many fans took to social media to express their desire for justice, with one voice urging, “Lisa should arrest Gary for his crimes!” Another fan remarked, “Gary the murderer coming face-to-face with DS Swain—Rick would be turning in his grave!” One viewer questioned the timeline of Gary facing repercussions for his actions, while another person expressed hope that after resolving Joel’s case, Swain would turn her attention to Gary Windass.
Gary’s history is certainly troubling. He remains free years after committing two significant crimes. In 2019, he killed loan shark Rick Neelan during a violent confrontation, ultimately burying his body. Gary was also linked to the tragic death of Rana Habeeb in the same year, as negligence regarding a factory roof led to a fatal accident. As the storyline unfolds, viewers are left wondering whether Gary will ever be held accountable for his past misdeeds or if he’ll continue to evade justice.
For the latest updates on Coronation Street, make sure to tune in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 PM on ITV. What are your thoughts on this unfolding story? Share your comments on our Facebook page and stay connected for all the latest gossip from the show.