In an engaging exploration of the recent pilot episode of ABC’s “High Potential,” Amirah J, who plays teenage daughter Ava, dissects the climactic moments while hinting at future developments in the series. The show premiered on September 17 and airs every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET, marking a significant addition to the procedural landscape. Created by Drew Goddard, known for his work on “The Good Place,” “High Potential” stars Kaitlin Olson as Morgan, a single mother whose acute observational skills thrust her into the realm of crime-solving.
Throughout the first episode, audiences learn more about Morgan’s life, including the mystery surrounding her daughter’s father, who vanished over a decade ago. This backdrop sets the stage for a complex mother-daughter dynamic that will unfold as the series progresses. Ava’s skepticism about her father’s choices adds layers to their relationship, and Amirah J expresses her excitement about the emotional depth of the characters.
The nature of Ava and Morgan’s relationship will be a focal point of the first season, as Morgan’s decision to work with the LAPD stems from her desire to provide answers for her daughter. According to Amirah, Ava’s rebellious spirit hides a vulnerability, making her a compelling character to portray. Viewers are invited to witness how Ava grapples with feeling like an outsider in her own family as she questions her father’s absence.
In an interview, Amirah highlights the importance of the family theme within the series, stating that “the crime aspect blends seamlessly with the humor from Kaitlin Olson’s character, creating a relatable foundation for viewers.” The teenager’s struggle with her identity and her longing for connection will be explored further in future episodes.
Amirah reflects on the emotional conversations between Ava and Morgan, noting that Morgan’s chaotic mindset often contrasts with the intensity of their interactions. As Ava’s character develops, she begins to open up, allowing their bond to strengthen. Amirah also shares anecdotes about working alongside Olson, praising her nurturing presence on set, which enriches their mother-daughter dynamic.
Speculation about Ava’s journey forward is rife, with Amirah hinting at various storyline ideas she has discussed with the show’s creative team. Her personal favorite episode, which promises high emotional stakes, is Episode 7, showcasing the growth of both Ava and Morgan.
“High Potential” follows Morgan, whose exceptional cognitive abilities enable her to forge an unexpected alliance with a seasoned detective, Karadec, played by Daniel Sunjata. This adaptation of the French series “Haut Potentiel Intellectuel” is poised to blend crime-solving intrigue with heartwarming familial bonds.
As audiences settle into this refreshing procedural, it becomes evident that “High Potential” is a remarkable mix of heart, humor, and suspense. With new episodes unfolding each week, fans can look forward to an evolving narrative filled with personal growth and the pursuit of truth.