Tito Jackson, the renowned musician and founding member of the Jackson 5, tragically passed away following a heart attack in a New Mexico shopping center. According to local authorities, Jackson experienced a medical emergency while driving, just before his untimely death on Sunday evening.
Witnesses reported that a concerned individual noticed Jackson in distress around 6 p.m. as he was en route from New Mexico to Oklahoma, where he had recently relocated. The alert driver called for assistance near the American Heritage Plaza shopping area, where Jackson had stopped his vehicle.
Jackson, who was 70 years old, was quickly taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital but, unfortunately, was pronounced dead shortly after his arrival. His former manager, Steve Manning, confirmed that the heart attack occurred during Jackson’s drive across state lines.
While the cause of death appears to be related to the heart attack, an autopsy has yet to be performed, and investigations into the circumstances surrounding his passing are ongoing.
Jackson’s sons—Taj, Taryll, and TJ—shared the devastating news of their father’s death with fans on their band 3T’s Instagram page. They released a heartfelt statement expressing their shock and sorrow. “It’s with heavy hearts that we announce that our beloved father, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Tito Jackson is no longer with us,” they wrote. The brothers went on to celebrate their father’s legacy, describing him as an incredible man who deeply cared for others.
Tito Jackson shot to fame as part of the legendary Jackson 5, alongside his brothers Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael. The family group made a significant impact on the music scene with numerous Motown hits, and they were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1997.
Over the years, Tito pursued a solo career, releasing his album “Tito Time” in 2016. Just last year, he expressed contentment with his life in Claremore, Oklahoma, seeking a quieter environment away from the hustle of Hollywood.
As fans and family remember the impactful career and life of Tito Jackson, his legacy in music and influence on others will undoubtedly continue to resonate.