Marvel has a fascinating new installment where X-Men’s Storm takes center stage, facing off against one of comic book’s most iconic villains. Ororo Monroe, known to fans as Storm, has been incredibly active in the Marvel universe lately. Not only has she recently joined the Avengers, but her ongoing solo series “Storm,” crafted by writer Murewa Ayodele and artist Lucas Werneck, has already seen significant developments in its first three issues.
In a whirlwind of action, Storm heroically intervened to save Tulsa from a potential nuclear disaster caused by a mutant child grappling with overwhelming powers. This heroic act inspired the inception of the “Storm Sanctuary,” a haven for mutants, though it came at a cost—Storm herself suffered from radiation poisoning. After seeking mystical aid from Brother Voodoo, her life was spared, albeit with a temporary loss of her powers for one week. In “Storm” #3, she visited Rogue and the Uncanny X-Men in Louisiana and had a poignant encounter with Wolverine. The issue culminates with Doctor Doom, now the Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme following the 2024 crossover event “Blood Hunt,” summoning her.
“Storm” #4 is set to explore this intriguing dynamic further as it kicks off with Ororo arriving in Doom’s fortified domain of Latveria. Marvel has provided an exclusive glimpse into the issue, where the synopsis teases a captivating scene: Doctor Doom wishes to discuss his ambitions for Earth’s mutants over an elaborate meal. What could possibly go awry in this dinner? Fans can expect epic developments as the saga unfolds, potentially setting the stage for the anticipated crossover event “One World Under Doom.”
The relationship between Storm and Doctor Doom has a rich history in Marvel Comics. The comic opens with a recap that introduces new readers to the healing process Storm underwent with Brother Voodoo. We then see her arrive in Latveria on the back of Doom’s immense raven and gracefully meet him for dinner, clad in green—a nod to Doom’s personal color preference. Storm, flattered yet cautious, engages with a host who is less about flattery and more about power and strategy.
Long-time X-Men aficionados will be reminded of a previous encounter in “X-Men” #145-147, where Storm conducted a strategic distraction as a guest to Doom, leading to an unexpected mutual admiration. While there was a playful dynamic between them, a retcon by John Byrne later revealed that it was actually a Doombot who engaged with Storm, not the true Doctor Doom. Their interactions continued years later in “S.W.O.R.D.” #7, where the two reminisced over dinner on terraformed Mars, illustrating that their complicated history is interwoven with both tension and camaraderie.
Despite some semblance of attraction, it’s clear that the relationship will never devolve into stereotypical love interests. Doom, with his grand visions, sees Ororo as a rare equal, one who could stand by him as a formidable queen. But both characters are steadfast in their convictions—Storm would never entertain becoming part of Doom’s ambitions for domination, and Doom is too calculating to allow emotions to influence his grand design. The recent theft of Krakoa, the mutants’ lost homeland, by agents from Latveria poses a tantalizing question: could Doctor Doom be looking to entice Storm by offering a restored Krakoa in his quest for power?
“Storm” #4 hits shelves both in print and digitally on January 15, 2025. This upcoming issue promises to continue to captivate audiences with its blend of action, ambition, and the complex dynamics between two of Marvel’s most powerful characters.