Phil Robertson, the prominent figure from the reality show “Duck Dynasty,” has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, as revealed by his family during a podcast episode of “Unashamed with the Robertson Family.” At 78, Phil has been battling health issues, which his son Jase disclosed were initially tied to a blood disease.
In an emotional discussion on the podcast, Jase shared that Phil’s condition has deteriorated significantly in recent years. Doctors had previously suggested that a blood-related ailment was affecting his health. Jase opened up about the seriousness of his father’s situation, explaining how the combination of the blood disease and early-stage Alzheimer’s is taking a toll on Phil’s overall well-being.
“It’s become much worse, causing a myriad of problems across his body,” Jase stated, adding that Phil is facing serious difficulties and is struggling with his health. He revealed that Phil often expresses a desire to return to the podcast, despite the challenges he currently faces, including severe pain that hampers his mobility.
Phil, who has shown a sense of humor about his situation, has reportedly joked about his fading memory, responding with, “Tell me about it,” when Jase mentioned his struggles with recollection. Although the diagnosis is in its initial stages, the family acknowledges that Phil experiences fluctuating days, with some better than others.
“Some days, he’s a bit more present, while other days, not so much,” noted his son Al. Jase also pointed out that Phil is having difficulty maintaining his weight and is generally unable to function normally, as the disease affects his daily life.
As Phil continues to cope with these health challenges, his family remains hopeful and supportive during this difficult journey.