Phil Robertson, known for his role on “Duck Dynasty,” is facing a significant health challenge. The 78-year-old reality star’s family announced that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease during a recent episode of their podcast, “Unashamed with the Robertson Family.” Jase Robertson, Phil’s son, candidly discussed his father’s deteriorating health, which has been influenced by a blood disease.
In the podcast, Jase began by sharing that they have been navigating Phil’s health problems for several years. Doctors suspect a blood disease is at the root of many issues Phil has experienced, leading to a decline in his overall condition. Jase pointed out that this situation has worsened, indicating that Phil is now in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
“It is all interrelated, and it’s taking a toll on his body,” Jase explained. He revealed the difficult reality that his father is struggling significantly, stating, “He’s really having a tough time.”
During the episode, Jase mentioned Phil’s desire to return to the podcast despite his physical limitations, which have increasingly hindered his mobility and wellbeing. “He keeps saying he wants to get back to it,” Jase remarked, “but I have to remind him he can hardly move without expressing pain.”
The struggle with memory loss has become evident, even leading to a light-hearted moment where Jase mentioned that Phil joked about his forgetfulness. Al, another son, noted that Phil experiences a mix of good days and bad days, attributing this variability to the nature of the disease. Some days, Phil is more engaged and aware, while on others, it’s a stark contrast.
As Phil continues to face these challenges, his family remains supportive, sharing updates in hopes of keeping fans informed about his health journey. They recognize that this is a tough period for their beloved patriarch, yet they remain hopeful for moments of clarity amid the struggles.