Nick Cannon opens up about needing support following his recent diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The 44-year-old entertainer, known for his role on “The Masked Singer” and as a father of twelve, candidly shared his struggles during a recent episode of his podcast “Counsel Culture.”
While volunteering at the Los Angeles Mission’s Thanksgiving event, Cannon expressed that he had long suspected he might be grappling with this condition. “I always had the feeling that something was off and I wanted to get tested,” he revealed. His journey included undergoing various evaluations that ultimately confirmed his suspicions.
Cannon detailed how the traits of NPD impacted his life, recognizing that those with this disorder often struggle to empathize with others and maintain an inflated sense of self-importance. “I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and have dealt with dyslexia as a child,” he shared, pointing out how he has always identified as a neurodivergent individual.
Embracing his diagnosis, Cannon is determined to evolve into a better version of himself. “There are many labels out there, but I’ve chosen to embrace them. I need help, and I’m open to therapy,” he stated, highlighting his commitment to mental health and healing. During the podcast episode on November 8, he spoke with Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, a psychologist, about his experience and the insights he gained.
Cannon also reflected on the significance of normalizing discussions surrounding mental health, aiming to serve as a role model for others on similar journeys. “I want to show that healing is possible,” he added.
As Thanksgiving approached, Cannon shared plans to celebrate with his children. He has twins Moroccan and Monroe with his ex-wife Mariah Carey, as well as multiple children with other partners. He humorously described his hectic schedule, noting, “It’s complicated being a busy man. Each dinner brings something special to the table.”
Cannon’s openness about his mental health and family life underscores his commitment to being both transparent and involved, reinforcing the idea that seeking help and understanding oneself are vital aspects of personal growth.