In a delightful twist on the Star Wars saga, LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy introduces a whimsical yet intriguing concept: what if beloved characters took a dark turn and became Sith Lords? The four-part series, while not part of the official canon, offers a humorous reimagining of the Star Wars universe, filled with unexpected twists and playful scenarios that turn our understanding of these iconic figures upside down.
The series showcases a variety of characters in comical, yet dark new roles. Take, for example, Dev Greebling, a brand-new character who transitions into Darth Devastator. His story arc becomes a crucial element of the plot, mirroring the familiar theme of familial bonds—this time focused on brothers as Sig, Dev’s sibling, desperately seeks to redeem him and return to a more harmonious reality. Dev’s struggle with the dark side, reminiscent of classic tales from the original trilogy, highlights the clever storytelling that underscores Rebuild the Galaxy.
Another character who captivates in this alternate universe is Darth Rey, who emerges as a drastic representation of the protagonist from the sequel trilogy. This portrayal draws from a fleeting vision that Rey had in The Rise of Skywalker. While this dark version of Rey was hinted at, many fans were left wanting more, and this series steps in to fulfill that desire, showcasing her potential as a formidable Sith.
The inclusion of Rose Tico as a Sith Lord adds another layer of surprise. Originally introduced in The Last Jedi, Rose’s evolution throughout the sequel trilogy was sadly sidelined. However, Rebuild the Galaxy revisits her character, gifting her a powerful role as a dark side user. This twist invites viewers to explore the untapped potential that Rose could possess, hinting at exciting possibilities for future narratives.
Visually striking is the introduction of Darth Nubs, a character from the younger-skewing Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. The transformation of this cute figure into a dark Sith Lord is undoubtedly one of the more shocking elements of the series, showcasing the creators’ playful spirit in reshaping familiar faces into figures of dread.
Furthermore, the series brings back Kit Fisto, the beloved Jedi from the prequel trilogy, reimagined as a Sith. His formidable skills in the original timeline raise intriguing questions about how his potential as a dark side user might have shifted the power balance in the galaxy.
Perhaps one of the most obscure yet fascinating transformations belongs to Darth Hammerhead. The character, also known as Momaw Nadon, appeared in the original Star Wars film but has often been overlooked. His transition into a Sith Lord serves as a nostalgic callback for die-hard fans, introducing lesser-known characters into the spotlight.
Not to be overlooked, the long-debated notion of Jar Jar Binks as a secretly powerful Sith finds a captivating resolution in Rebuild the Galaxy. Long a topic of fan speculation, his transformation into Darth Jar Jar plays upon the absurdity of his character while revealing a sinister side that adds depth to the franchise’s lore.
Through this playful approach, Rebuild the Galaxy manages to break traditional molds, providing a fresh look at a galaxy rich with potential. While not linked to the main narrative, this series brings joy and creativity to the beloved franchise, allowing audiences to dive into an entertaining realm of “what could have been” and delighting fans with its audacious reconfigurations of familiar characters.