Zachery Ty Bryan, the former child star known for his role as Brad Taylor on the beloved sitcom “Home Improvement,” has found himself in hot water once again. On a Friday morning in Custer County, Oklahoma, Bryan was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) and operating a vehicle without a valid license. According to reports, police encountered Bryan at around 6:47 a.m. while he was allegedly asleep in the back seat of his car.
Initial interactions with the officers did not lead to any immediate action; however, complications arose when Bryan decided to drive away shortly after. During the traffic stop, Bryan admitted to having consumed “too much” alcohol the previous night and expressed uncertainty about whether he had stopped drinking before getting behind the wheel. In a somewhat surprising turn, he mentioned that he was on the run from California, claiming he harbored disdain for the state.
As the situation unfolded, law enforcement asked Bryan to perform field sobriety tests, which he complied with before being taken into custody. When questioned about his driving status, Bryan revealed that his license was suspended, a consequence of prior DUI incidents. He acknowledged having multiple previous arrests related to DUI offenses.
This latest run-in with the law isn’t Bryan’s first. Earlier this year, he faced serious charges in California, including felony DUI and multiple prior offenses, which had him booked on a $50,000 bail later that day. His troubles with the legal system don’t stop there; he was previously charged with assault and other serious offenses after an incident involving his girlfriend back in 2020.
Bryan later downplayed that incident, arguing it had been exaggerated. He recounted how a loud argument escalated, leading to police involvement but insisted he was merely caught up in a stressful situation.
The story of Zachery Ty Bryan continues to unfold, with each chapter revealing more about his turbulent journey post-“Home Improvement.” As more details emerge, fans and followers are left to speculate about what lies ahead for the actor formerly known for his wholesome television image.