Meet Aishwarya Manivannan, a remarkable artist dedicated to preserving the ancient Indian martial art of Silambam. In collaboration with Vogue India and the World Gold Council, The ‘You Are Gold’ campaign showcases her extraordinary journey as a designer and entrepreneur, complemented by her role as an international champion in this age-old discipline.
For generations, women have shared a unique bond with gold. Whether it’s a cherished family heirloom or a personal gift for a special occasion, gold embodies memories and emotions, tracing life’s journey while standing resilient through time. Women, like the gold they wear, embody strength, elegance, and the ability to adapt and thrive in various roles.
Aishwarya Manivannan’s story is a testament to resilience and determination. Her journey into the world of Silambam began in her twenties, juggling four jobs while pursuing her passion. But the road to success was not without its challenges. After breaking her toe during the South Asian Silambam championship, it seemed her ambitions were shattered. Nevertheless, her unwavering spirit and tenacity led her to claim victory. The gold medal she earned was not just a symbol of achievement; it embodied her indomitable spirit. “Life has thrown curveballs at me, but with moments of courage, I find gold at every corner,” she reflects.
As a multifaceted artist, Manivannan stands out for her unconventional path and refusal to conform. Her work in art and martial arts mirrors her elegance and precision, much like the exquisite jewelry she showcases. “The art I create and perform is an extension of myself,” she shares. “It reflects my energy and vision, just as the jewelry I wear is another medium to express who I am.”
Gold jewelry for Manivannan signifies confidence and independence, serving as a personal victory. She gifted herself a stunning gold cuff, a memento celebrating her strength and grace. “This cuff is a tribute to the warrior within all of us. You are gold; we are all gold,” she states, emphasizing the empowerment that comes from within.
In a world that often overlooks the stories of remarkable women, the ‘You Are Gold’ campaign seeks to highlight these extraordinary lives, celebrating their resilience, creativity, and spirit. Aishwarya Manivannan’s journey is a shining example of how art, culture, and tradition can intertwine to create a legacy that inspires generations to come.