Erin Lichy, known for her role on “Real Housewives of New York City,” recently shared devastating news about the passing of her father, Eliahu Yitzhari. The emotional announcement was made on her Instagram account, where she posted a series of heartfelt photos capturing memorable moments with her dad, from her childhood to her wedding day and moments with her own children.
In her emotional tribute, Lichy expressed her deep connection with her father, calling him her heart and soul. She praised his unwavering support, strength, and the life lessons he imparted to her and her four siblings. The 37-year-old reality star reflected on the immense pain of losing him, stating, “Knowing I won’t see you laugh again or sing to me on the opposite end of the phone is a heartbreak I did not know existed.”
Lichy’s tribute highlighted her father’s kindness and generosity, which profoundly impacted their lives. She recalled his final words to her, a poignant Hebrew phrase that translates to “Without Love, Nothing is Worth Living For.” This powerful sentiment resonated with her, symbolizing the love they shared throughout their lives.
As she navigates through this challenging time, Lichy has received an outpouring of support from friends, fans, and fellow cast members of “RHONY.” In a follow-up post, she expressed her gratitude for all the messages and gestures of kindness that have helped her cope with this loss. She emphasized the importance of taking her grief day by day and acknowledged how hearing stories from others who have faced similar losses has provided her some comfort.
Numerous comments filled her social media, with heartfelt messages from her co-stars and friends, each expressing condolences and admiration for the bond between Lichy and her father. Ubah Hassan highlighted the special connection they shared, while others offered words of encouragement, reminding her that her father’s spirit will always be with her.
Lichy did not share specific details about her father’s passing, but her heartfelt messages indicate the profound impact he had on her life and the legacy he leaves behind. As she mourns, she remains thankful for the love that surrounds her during this difficult time.