The BBC’s popular ballroom spin-off, It Takes Two, made its return on the evening of September 27. Joining host Fleur East were Strictly Come Dancing pro Gorka Marquez and his dance partner, Dr. Punam Krishan. The duo, fresh off a successful first week, is now preparing for their second dance performance, which will be a foxtrot set to Shania Twain’s iconic hit, Man! I Feel Like A Woman.
While Gorka revealed that Dr. Punam was feeling “a bit nervous” during their dress rehearsal, the couple is drawing strength from each other as they step onto the dance floor.
During the show, Fleur conversed with the pair about their budding partnership. She noted that they seem to have a great rapport, prompting Gorka to reflect on how this chemistry positively impacts their experience. “It makes going into the rehearsal room something to look forward to,” he remarked. He emphasized that a good friendship is crucial to making the dancing journey enjoyable.
However, he didn’t shy away from acknowledging the inevitable highs and lows that come with such performances. “We’re going to encounter ups and downs, with both good and bad scores. If we can support one another through it all, it’ll be worth it,” he explained.
Gorka also touched upon family life, sharing an amusing update about his children, Thiago and Mia. He humorously claimed that his son possesses more rhythm than his daughter. In a light-hearted confession to his fiancée, Gemma Atkinson, he apologized for suggesting that the boys in their family have a slight edge when it comes to dancing. “Sorry, Gemma!” he said, adding that he might consider taking a little getaway to Scotland to stay out of trouble at home.
Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the world of Strictly Come Dancing.