In a candid discussion with Entertainment Tonight, Steven Shortino, the innovative mind behind iSmash, opened up about unconventional methods for celebrities to unwind at his one-of-a-kind entertainment venues. Since launching iSmash in 2018, Shortino has transformed the way stars relieve stress, welcoming notable figures like Gordon Ramsay and Beau Casper Smart into an exhilarating realm where fun meets therapy.
“Bid farewell to stress,” Shortino proclaimed as he detailed the exciting options available at iSmash. From adrenaline-pumping rage rooms to colorful black light splatter painting sessions and precise axe-throwing challenges, iSmash provides a perfect escape for families, friends, or anyone eager to blow off steam without overspending.
What can newcomers anticipate? A dynamic atmosphere that promises not just laughter, but also a chance to shed unwanted tension. “The smash rooms allow guests to release their frustrations in a safe environment while literally shattering old electronics. Black light splatter painting serves as an expressive canvas for creativity, and axe throwing offers a thrilling mental workout,” Shortino emphasized. As new locations open in Reno and Las Vegas, he assured that there’s truly something for everyone to enjoy.
Shortino’s philosophy extends beyond iSmash’s walls; he strongly believes in the importance of daily self-care. “Incorporating small, restorative activities into your day can make a significant difference—a brisk walk, deep breathing, or even some time spent drawing or journaling can help reset one’s mindset,” he explained.
As for his personal stress relief? “I prioritize time for activities that rejuvenate me, like enjoying nature, exercising, and spending meaningful moments with loved ones. It’s crucial to recognize the need for breaks and embrace them, whether it’s a brief stroll or a weekend in nature. Maintaining a balance between work and personal time keeps me sharp and driven,” Shortino shared.
As the buzz surrounding iSmash grows, Shortino’s insights into effective stress release methods shine a light on how even the busiest celebrities can find their calm amidst the chaos.