Chase Chrisley, the reality TV personality known for his role on “Chrisley Knows Best,” finds himself in hot water following an arrest in Atlanta. On January 6, 2025, Chrisley was taken into custody after being accused of slapping a bar manager at a Twin Peaks restaurant. Reports indicate that the 28-year-old Chrisley had been drinking heavily and refused multiple requests to leave the establishment.
According to police documents, the incident escalated when Chrisley allegedly slapped the manager not once, but twice, even as the manager was attempting to contact emergency services. The audio from that 911 call was later released, revealing the chaotic nature of the situation.
Chrisley was arrested on charges of simple battery and promptly released after posting a $10,000 bond. The bar manager described Chrisley’s behavior as “very disrespectful and belligerent,” with actions deteriorating to the point of physical aggression.
The reality star left the scene before law enforcement could arrive, though security footage of the incident has been shared with the police. This recent incident comes against the backdrop of his parents, Todd and Julie Chrisley, currently serving prison sentences for bank fraud and tax evasion. A jury convicted them in 2022 of conspiring to defraud community banks out of more than $30 million, alongside charges of tax evasion.
Chase Chrisley’s arrest only adds to the ongoing saga of the Chrisley family, who have faced significant legal troubles in recent years. With the spotlight firmly on him, many are wondering how this incident will affect both his personal life and his family’s legacy in the reality TV world.